Accounting Standards Board of Japan
Financial Accounting Standards Foundation
Sustainability Standards Board of Japan

Working Group


The ASBJ has set up the Working Group: Endorsement of IFRS to carry out the endorsement process of accounting standards and interpretations (“Standards”) issued by the IASB and to determine whether Standards could be accepted in Japan, so as to develop the Japan’s Modified International Standards (JMIS): Accounting Standards Comprising IFRSs and the ASBJ Modifications.



Atsushi Itabashi Director, ASBJ


Kenichi Akiba Professor, Faculty of Commerce, Waseda University
Kenji Arai Technical Director, KPMG AZSA LLC
Hiroki Ishibashi Expert, Global Accounting Management Department, Accounting Division, TOSHIBA Corporation
Shinichi Imakiire Deputy General Manager, Finance Division, Finance Group, Hitachi, Ltd.
Hiroshi Kato Assistant Head of Accounting Controlling Dept., Manager, Accounting Research Team, Accounting Controlling Dept., Sumitomo Corporation
Goro Kumagai Senior Vice President, The Securities Analysts Association of Japan*
Yuta Shimomura CPA, Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC
Kei Tsuchiya Senior Vice President, The Securities Analysts Association of Japan
Michiaki Matsumoto Chief Manager, Head of Dept., Financial Accounting & Tax Dept., Accounting & Finance Div., Nippon Steel Corporation
Kenichi Yoshimura Partner, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC
Takao Kamiya Vice Chair, ASBJ
Emi Chujo Board Member, ASBJ
Nami Yamaguchi Board Member, ASBJ

*Board Member of the ASBJ (part-time)


Masayoshi Ogiwara Translation Project Manager, ASBJ
Motoaki Fukue Project Manager, ASBJ