Accounting Standards Board of Japan
Financial Accounting Standards Foundation
Sustainability Standards Board of Japan

Meetings with Other Standard Setters

Representative Meetings with the IASB

2023/3/2 Representatives of the International Accounting Standards Board and
the Accounting Standards Board of Japan Hold Bilateral Meeting in

Representative Meetings with the FASB

2024/8/16 Representatives of the Financial Accounting Standards Board and the Accounting Standards Board of Japan Hold Biannual Meeting(34th meeting)
2023/10/18 Representatives of the Financial Accounting Standards Board and the Accounting Standards Board of Japan Hold Biannual Meeting(33rd meeting)
2023/4/18 Representatives of the Financial Accounting Standards Board and the
Accounting Standards Board of Japan Hold Biannual Meeting(32nd
2022/10/11 Representatives of the Financial Accounting Standards Board and the
Accounting Standards Board of Japan Hold Biannual Meeting(31st
2021/10/20 Representatives of the Financial Accounting Standards Board and the
Accounting Standards Board of Japan Hold Biannual Meeting(30th

Representative Meetings with the EFRAG

2024/3/14 Representatives of EFRAG and the Japanese Accounting and
Sustainability Boards Hold Meetings in Brussels
2023/3/31 Representatives of EFRAG and the Japanese Accounting and
Sustainability Boards Hold Meetings in Brussels
2018/7/12 Representatives of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group
and the Accounting Standards Board of Japan hold bilateral meeting
2017/5/18 Representatives of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group
and the Accounting Standards Board of Japan hold bilateral meeting
2015/6/29 Representatives of the Accounting Standards Board of Japan and the
European Financial Reporting Advisory Group hold bilateral meeting

China & Korea

2024/11/7 China-Japan-Korea Accounting Standards Setters’ Meeting 2024
2023/9/20 China-Japan-Korea Accounting Standards Setters’ Meeting 2023
2022/11/24 China-Japan-Korea Accounting Standards Setters’ Meeting 2022
2021/11/1 China-Japan-Korea Accounting Standards Setters’ Meeting 2021
2020/9/17 China-Japan-Korea Accounting Standards Setters’ Meeting 2020
2019/11/11 China-Japan-Korea Accounting Standards Setters’ Meeting 2019


2018/11/22 10th Meeting
2017/11/30 9th Meeting
2016/11/30 8th Meeting
2016/10/31 The AOSSG has submitted its comment letter on the IASB Exposure Draft
ED/2016/1 Definition of a Business and Accounting for Previously Held
2016/9/5 The AOSSG has commented on the Exposure Draft Trustees’ Review of
Structure and Effectiveness: Proposed Amendments to the IFRS
Foundation Constitution


2025/1/14 Chairs Meeting between the Accounting Standards Board of Canada and the Accounting Standards Board of Japan was held in Toronto
2024/11/7 Joint Chairs Meeting between the Australian Accounting Standards Board and the Japanese Accounting and Sustainability Standards Boards was held in Sydney
2024/1/10 Representatives of the Accounting Standards Board of Canada and the Accounting Standards Board of Japan Hold Bilateral Meeting in Montreal
2023/3/30 UK Endorsement Board (UKEB) and Accounting Standards Board of Japan
(ASBJ) Hold Bilateral Meeting
2023/1/10 Representatives of the Accounting Standards Board of Canada and the
Accounting Standards Board of Japan Hold Bilateral Meeting in